In previous blogs that I have written for Education Matters, I have emphasized the economic importance now given to science. In Ireland, this is revealed by the investment made in attracting science…
The Pine Forest Art Centre at Glencullen, in the Dublin Mountains, has been providing creative and educational art and craft courses to children and young people for over 40 years.…
A few weeks ago I was able to connect with Vivion Powney, Business Development Manager for Glanmore Foods to have a chat with her about the food offerings available from their…
39% worry their handwriting will be unreadable, compared to 37 worrying about a mind blank Two thirds (64%) of teachers say poor writing has prevented them giving the marks a…
There are not too many parents out there who will wholeheartedly admit that they love making school lunches for their children, and many are especially disheartened when the lunchboxes arrive…
“We are all creative. Creativity is the hallmark human capacity that has allowed us to survive thus far. Our brains are wired to be creative, and the only thing stopping…
In the interviews I have been having with teachers for my research, a word has come up regularly: interdiscplinarity. Interdiscplinarity is seen by teachers as a way of dealing with…
On my last blog I wrote regarding the now famous acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). STEM is used to envelop a myriad of disciplines, and it is now…
Promoting Science to our younger generations is Key. This motto is now repeated throughout the world. Nevertheless, not everyone is referring to or understanding the same when using this sentence.…