In the interviews I have been having with teachers for my research, a word has come up regularly: interdiscplinarity. Interdiscplinarity is seen by teachers as a way of dealing with…
On my last blog I wrote regarding the now famous acronym STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). STEM is used to envelop a myriad of disciplines, and it is now…
Promoting Science to our younger generations is Key. This motto is now repeated throughout the world. Nevertheless, not everyone is referring to or understanding the same when using this sentence.…
In today’s blog I would like to share with you an insightful experience I had in one of the outreach initiatives I collaborated in the past few weeks. In this…
For Principals and Guidance Counsellors working in Second Level Schools or Colleges of Further Education, the past six months have been the most traumatic and unsettling of their professional lives,…
After a long overdue absence due to preparing and presenting my research in a couple of conferences I’m back to blog writing. One of the conferences I presented in was…
‘A reader’s interest is often captured by a difficult relationship in a text.’ Leaving Certificate Ordinary Level 2011 B 1. (a) Relationships Q. Write about a difficult relationship in one of…
From time to time one hears the idea that geniuses don’t need school. It is a popular myth that sometimes gains new life. The last resurfacing I saw of this…
I remember writing to the Advertising Standards Authority regarding a radio ad for Ashfield College which I felt was dismissive of and seeking to undermine Transition Year (TY), a year…
I notice a recent news item phenomenon where individuals from the world of business and politics are invited onto the stock exchange floor to ring the bell, thus indicating the…