Because of the changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, at the Institute of Technology Carlow we have been working to ensure that our students are not disadvantaged at the point of assessment while preserving the academic integrity and standards of all awards.
David Denieffe, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at IT Carlow
In so doing, we have been mindful of the principles and guidelines set out at a national level by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and the practices being introduced across higher education.
The Institute’s Academic Council has agreed that, in recognition of the need to protect the health and wellbeing of students and staff, examinations and other face-to-face assessments scheduled to the end of the summer term will no longer take place. They will be replaced, where feasible, by alternative online assessments/online exams.
[ctt template=”3″ link=”fWhIC” via=”yes” ]IT Carlow announces that face-to-face exams and assessments will not take place.[/ctt]
The changes agreed by the Academic Council are designed to enable our students to progress and complete their studies. These changes will ensure that learning outcomes are properly assessed. They will ensure that the integrity and validity of the award process are assured in an equivalent manner to any form of assessment conducted on campus.
Programme Boards from all departments, campuses and faculties have been working with our external examiners, professional and regulatory bodies and the Registrar’s Office to agree and approve alternative on-line assessments/ online examinations/ continuous assessment and assignment submissions, whilst maintaining the balance of being fair to students and upholding the academic rigour required for all programmes of study.
Students will be contacted by their Programme Board and/or relevant lecturers over the coming days and weeks with details specific to each module on the relevant programme of study.
Where online examinations are occurring, students preparing for May exams will be contacted between March 30th and April 10th with details specific to each module on the relevant programme of study.
The Institute will then publish a full revised schedule of alternative on-line assessments/online exams on, or before, April 10th.
The Faculty of Lifelong Learning will publish its revised April examination timetable on Monday 30th March and will contact every student with details specific to their programme.
The specific details students will receive, by email or via Blackboard from the relevant department/ campus/faculty, will explain the alternative on-line assessments/ online exams/ continuous assessment and should ease concerns and clarify questions.
Once students receive details of the alternative on-line assessments/ online exams/ continuous assessment specific to the relevant programme, students may liaise with their lecturer/ Programme Director/ Head of Department in relation to any difficulties.
The Institute is committed to supporting students through this challenging time.
Institute of Technology Carlow’s Teaching and Learning Centre has supported our staff in moving to online delivery and in deriving alternate assessments. They and the Institute’s Computing Services Department will issue further guidelines to students on using the technologies to support online assessment and examinations. It is vital that all students fully engage with and apply these guidelines.
With regard to examination results originally scheduled for release on June 14th 2020, there will be some delay but the Institute is working to minimise this delay as much as possible. At this stage, the Institute endeavours to issue results by the end of June 2020.
Institute of Technology Carlow intends to offer repeat assessments/exams in August 2020. Further details will be provided on these at a later stage.
The Institute’s Library continues to provide and expand the range of services available. Details on our remote library access arrangements can be found here.
The Institute’s Student Services Department continues to work to support students. Details on the services available at this time can be found here. The Institute acknowledges the Students’ Union for the valuable support they too are providing at this time.
Institute of Technology Carlow asks all members of its community to continue to observe best practice in protecting yourselves and your loved ones from COVID-19. Stay safe and well.