Exit Entry App assesses the skills and interests of students and connects them with college courses, apprenticeships, TY opportunities, and jobs.
—By Lewise Crothers
Lewize Crothers, CEO of Exit Entry, one of fifteen global founders selected for the prestigious Blackbox Connect Programme in Silicon Valley; nominee for Enterprise Ireland’s Big Ideas Awards 2019; participant in the DCU Ryan Academy High Fliers Programme.
For decades students have been assessed by their general mental ability. Yet human ability is not defined solely by this.
Exit Entry’s technology is here to support schools, students, and colleges. It is FREE to all students, creating a socially inclusive community.
Let me tell you about the problem Exit Entry is solving for students – and it’s a global issue.
Students are our most precious asset and, currently, we are not truly understanding their hidden potential to enable them to thrive. School students are ending up in the wrong third-level courses and graduates are ending up in the wrong jobs. And, through a combination of poverty and discrimination, a massive cohort of students is being left behind. This is a social scandal.
Never has it been more important for students to gain an understanding of the skills needed to thrive in this new world. From resilience to adaptability, collaboration to enthusiasm, how do they understand their hidden talents and map these to their future? How then do students correlate their interests to ensure their future choice is right for them? Lastly, how do we as a society support every student from every corner of Ireland to access their hidden talents and connect them with opportunities?
Exit Entry is solving this problem.
Exit Entry has launched two products to market in the last 6 months: the Exit Entry App for third level students, and the Exit Entry App for school students.
How does it work for third level students?
Exit Entry APP, which is free to download on the App Store, measures the skills and interests of college students and matches them with job opportunities.
We launched last November in Ireland to college students and were blown away by the response of 17k downloads in a matter of months with users across 26 third-level colleges throughout Ireland.
For employers, they get direct early access to talent with a richer deeper insight into that candidate’s skills and interests resulting in a better fit for their organisation and a more fulfilled employee.
Exit Entry’s science was developed in collaboration with Dublin City University and was nominated for the 2020 Presidents Research and Innovation award.
Very quickly after launch, we were approached by many university school liaison officers who said: “schools need to hear about this”. As a result, the Exit Entry App for schools was born.
School Students
Exit Entry App for School Students has just launched to all 370k students in Ireland and schools.
For school students, the same assessments and science (two in total taking 15 minutes to complete) match them with college courses, apprenticeships, TY programmes and work experience.
We have made 60 years of scientific research accessible to every student in the world and it’s FREE for every student.
Sound easy? It is.
Check it out at https://www.exitentry.com/schools/
Here’s what one secondary school student said about Exit Entry for Schools:
“I think the App is a great concept. I’ve been trying to make contacts with people in certain industries and I think a lot of the time they wouldn’t give students much of an opportunity. I feel the Exit Entry App might solve the problem.”
Exit Entry exists to champion an idea that is central to human life – everyone deserves access to the same opportunities that lead to a fulfilled life.
Download the App today available free on IOS and Android.
Exit Entry is fully funded by investors who deeply believe in their purpose and vision of creating opportunities for all and by the HPSU division of Enterprise Ireland.
The Exit Entry team comprises global leaders in psychology, finance, business, design, and technology.
If you are a Principal, Teacher, Guidance Counsellor, or have an interest in hearing more, please reach out – info@exitentry.com and lewize@exitentry.com. We love to chat and gain feedback.
[ctt template=”3″ link=”70j10″ via=”yes” ]The Exit Entry App for School Students matches them with college courses, apprenticeships, TY programmes, and work experience.[/ctt]