Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT)
Ahead of the CAO Change of Mind deadline on July 1st, members of WIT’s outreach team are on hand to respond to queries via online chat.
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) was named Institute of Technology of the Year 2021 by The Sunday Times. It has been a popular choice for students in the southeast. Latest feeder school stats show that almost one-third of school leavers from the southeast who progressed to higher education in 2020 started at WIT.
WIT is running a range of online supports that will be of interest to CAO applicants and their parents ahead of the CAO 1 July Change of Mind deadline. Members of WIT’s outreach team will be on hand to respond to queries via online chat, and CAO applicants and parents/guardians can pre-book one-to-one online meetings with Claire Holden, Schools’ Liaison and Outreach Officer at WIT.
Claire reminds students of the importance of getting their preferences in the correct order before 1 July, as they will not have a further opportunity to change their minds.
Details of supports for the CAO applicants of 2021 are available at www.wit.ie/cao.
Enjoy a virtual tour of WIT’s main buildings to get a sense of the campus.
WIT and IT Carlow have submitted a joint application to create a Technological University, so students starting at WIT in September can expect to graduate from a TU.